Quantifying and Operationalizing Genetic Adaptation for Successful Coral Restoration
Funding Agency: The Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform
Program Leader: Maria Vanessa B. Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Project Duration: March 01, 2024 to February 28, 2027
Project Objectives:
Narrowing the uncertainty of additive genetic variance and h2 for multiple traits and examining genetic correlation structure among traits.
To derive estimates of additive genetic variance and h2 across multiple traits we will carry out egg-sperm crosses between coral colonies in a breeding design that maximises both genetic and genotypic diversity.
Estimating within-population variability of heat tolerance for multiple taxa and environmental conditions.
To operationalise adaptive potential for restoration practitioners.
Filling empirical ecological knowledge gaps to extend the capability of models.
Determining optimal restoration strategies with and without adaptation.
Supporting restoration decisions based on model outputs.